September 03, 2010

Still a wreck but..

I just have a few words to put in here.

Sometimes, love opportunities come our way and we should be strong-minded and take the chance, let them completely take over us, completely give in. It's difficult, but sometimes, if you work and believe hard enough, you'll taste heaven. Where else would you taste heaven on earth other than through love?

Love comes in many shapes. It comes in shapes of family, friends, or romantic companions.
Love in the family often begins by being forced to it, you might at first reject it, but then you adjust to it, eventually become extremely loyal and proud of it. Whether you like it or not, you love them.
Friends are, well at least for me, are almost impossible to find. Finding a friend, a friend being a name for this person where I'd trust my life with, whom I'd give up anything just for their well-being, is much like a miracle. In my perspective, the chances of finding a perfect job, for instance, is like finding a 20JD bill on the street, when compared to finding a friend, it's like finding a diamond on the street on your way out of the house. I found a few. Maybe two. Maybe just one. So yeah, I'm sure as hell proud of the story when I got out of the house and found a diamond on the street. I'm very protective of it, if you think you're mighty piece of crap and that you can harm it, then I'm the mighty Jet Li, and I'll break your face if you have bad intentions when you get near it.
Then comes this weird unexplained spark of love. That makes your heart go crazy when you hear their voice, that makes you completely unaware of everything you are once you're with them, the world including you disappears and it's just them. The butterflies and the blablabla the world spoke enough of it and I'm sure you know it all. This fever. It takes hard work to keep it lively, but it is the ultimate gateway to paradise.

Anyway, that I came here to say is this.
Sometimes, when we take the chance and completely let love take over, completely give in, we might fall so hard. You might grow together, you might be so in love that you even begin to become something different. Something that expresses both of you, in each of you. Both of you become a part of each other.
A part of each other.
Sometimes... You need to be strong, strong enough to handle this love. Because someday, a day will come, a fuckin' unfortunate fucked up day, where this person you're so in love with, will go away. Someday you're going to lose them. You need to be strong enough to keep going. Keep the pieces that are a part of them, they gave you this, be proud of it. Be proud of who you are.

It amazes me when thinking of this life, how difficult it is and how strong we should be. The general attitude in the whole world underestimates how strong each one of us is.

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