January 30, 2007

Rabbi Mordecai Weberman

"Because We Are Jews"

There are those who ask us why we march with the Palestinians. Why do we raise the Palestinian flag? Why do we support the Palestinian cause?
“You are Jews!” they tell us. "What are you doing?!"
And our response is very simple:
It is precisely because we are Jews that we march with that we march with the Palestinians and raise their flag!
It is precisely because we are Jews that we are Jews that we demand that the Palestinian peoples be returned to their homes and properties!
Yes, in our Torah we are commanded to be fair. We are called upon to pursue justice. And, what could be more unjust then the century old attempt of the Zionist movement to invade an other people's land, to drive them out and steal their property?
The early Zionists proclaimed that they were a people without a land going to a land without a people.
Innocent sounding words.
But utterly and totally untrue.

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