March 12, 2011

Just to put this out there...

I'm standing here, just looking at you
each time I turn my face away, it's like I just came back from a paradise vacation

You're so beautiful... like this really expensive thing? that I'm not even allowed to touch.

Am I a criminal? Just because I enjoy beauty so much?

September 03, 2010

Put it to sleep.. Let it dream on.

"Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "i love you"
Birds singin’ in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me

Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me
While I’m alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I’m longin’ to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me"

Dream a little dream of me - Mama Cass

Still a wreck but..

I just have a few words to put in here.

Sometimes, love opportunities come our way and we should be strong-minded and take the chance, let them completely take over us, completely give in. It's difficult, but sometimes, if you work and believe hard enough, you'll taste heaven. Where else would you taste heaven on earth other than through love?

Love comes in many shapes. It comes in shapes of family, friends, or romantic companions.
Love in the family often begins by being forced to it, you might at first reject it, but then you adjust to it, eventually become extremely loyal and proud of it. Whether you like it or not, you love them.
Friends are, well at least for me, are almost impossible to find. Finding a friend, a friend being a name for this person where I'd trust my life with, whom I'd give up anything just for their well-being, is much like a miracle. In my perspective, the chances of finding a perfect job, for instance, is like finding a 20JD bill on the street, when compared to finding a friend, it's like finding a diamond on the street on your way out of the house. I found a few. Maybe two. Maybe just one. So yeah, I'm sure as hell proud of the story when I got out of the house and found a diamond on the street. I'm very protective of it, if you think you're mighty piece of crap and that you can harm it, then I'm the mighty Jet Li, and I'll break your face if you have bad intentions when you get near it.
Then comes this weird unexplained spark of love. That makes your heart go crazy when you hear their voice, that makes you completely unaware of everything you are once you're with them, the world including you disappears and it's just them. The butterflies and the blablabla the world spoke enough of it and I'm sure you know it all. This fever. It takes hard work to keep it lively, but it is the ultimate gateway to paradise.

Anyway, that I came here to say is this.
Sometimes, when we take the chance and completely let love take over, completely give in, we might fall so hard. You might grow together, you might be so in love that you even begin to become something different. Something that expresses both of you, in each of you. Both of you become a part of each other.
A part of each other.
Sometimes... You need to be strong, strong enough to handle this love. Because someday, a day will come, a fuckin' unfortunate fucked up day, where this person you're so in love with, will go away. Someday you're going to lose them. You need to be strong enough to keep going. Keep the pieces that are a part of them, they gave you this, be proud of it. Be proud of who you are.

It amazes me when thinking of this life, how difficult it is and how strong we should be. The general attitude in the whole world underestimates how strong each one of us is.

April 30, 2010

Welcome back, Nora of 2006-07

I miss you. I miss you with a burning dying wish to see you again, I know I'll never get to. I wish this blog could be like that mirror that Sirius gave Harry on his birthday, where he could see him, think window, if they were apart. I wish I could see, give you a giant hug, tell you how special and wonderful you are, tell you to never change, never try to, through all the problems and troubles you will face later on in your life, just focus on never changing. Your sweet shy happy silly and just completely out-of-the-box attitude, is something rarely found in your world nowadays. I'm, you're, a wreck now, but I promise I'll be back later, when I'm pleased with who I've become, I'll come back here and I'll continue this awesome shit.

Love, Nura.

BTW, it's with a "u" now, slight change, hope you don't mind.

July 13, 2007

i think when you say that you can't take it anymore, actually you can take some more. but when you seriously can't take it anymore when you're so touched by it that you don't even think about such a sentence to think to yourself..

May 28, 2007

لركس هزيم الرعد

أبرقي أرعدي أبطالا وعدوك أنبل وعد
جاؤوك بصوت الحق الهادر كهزيم الرعد
بسيوف أقوى من نار عرفت كيف الرد
ما هنتي و لن تهني أبدا بل من أجلك ثار اشتد هزيم الرعد
هزيم الرعد
ما عاش الظالم يسبيك و فينا نفس بعد
بخنيني بدمي أفديك و روحي تنبت مجد
هزيم الرعد

May 13, 2007

"those were the days my friend
we thought they'd never end
we'd sing and dance forever and a day
we'd live the life we choose
we'd fight and never lose
we were young and sure
to have our way...
through the door
came a familiar laughter
i saw your face and heard you call my name
oh my friend we're older but no wiser
for in our hearts the dreams are still the same.
those were the days my friend
we thought they'd never end
we'd sing and dance forever and a day
we'd live the life we choose
we'd fight and never lose
those were the day
oh yes those were the days"

"Goodbyes are not forever,
goodbyes are not the end,
goodbyes simply mean
that I'll miss you till we meet again"

"i miss you a little..
since you've been gone
i few little memories
keep hanging on
i miss you a little
i guess you could say
a little too much
a little too often
a little more every day..."

April 22, 2007


you lay on your bed
after a long busy tiring day
its all really quite around you
but you cant enjoy the silence because of all the noisy thoughts in your head
all you want is to sleep in peace
so you shut out these thoughts
then all you'll hear is your heart
and again
as it was beating all day
all year
all your life
how powerful it is of Allah to make it beat like that all your life?
how scary it is that it is in his hands to make it stop beating?
how disappointing would it be to meet Allah at this time, at this moment, in this shape, with those deeds?
did you pray al esha?
if true then
you may sleep in peace
listen once again to your heart...

April 17, 2007

With Love

with love
comes hope
whether you want it or not
with love
you lose count
whether you remember the times or not
with love
you'll forgive
you'll forget
you'll beg
only with love
you'll live
happily ever after